Hotel and Hospital Range

In hotels and hospitals, guests and patients have to be accommodated in a smooth and relaxing atmosphere. Whether you are running a boutique hotel, or a health-care center, revenues and patient satisfaction can significantly improve with the right electrical products. Our various categories of electrical products are selected and are specialized to suit these areas of operation making all stays convenient and safe.

Our High-Quality Products

Within our Hotel and Hospital Range, we present a selection of modern products designed to save energy and increase comfort. Let’s explore how each of these products can contribute to a better experience for your guests or patients.

1. Key Tag Switches

Hotels may consider key tag switches as the breakthrough they have been looking for. These devices regulate the electricity supply within guest accommodation, depending on its occupancy status. When a guest slides their room key into the identification switch, the electrical devices in the room turn on. This also creates convenience for the guests since lights and appliances are off when a guest vacates the room and removes the key card.

2. Key Card Switches

Key card switches are effective for the two service industries of hotels and hospitals. In hotels they control and regulate people’s access to rooms, corridors and other areas, allowing only guests to gain entry. For instance in, hospitals, the key card switches can effectively shut down to specific areas which are private to the patients. They also help in energy conservation since the use of power can be regulated with the switch to the required degree in that particular region.

3. Hotel Key Cards

We present hotel key cards that stand up to daily wear and tear, are straightforward to operate, and can come in your brand’s image. Instead of mere access, these key cards are safe and efficient by which guests can explore the facility. By that, they bring a seamless and clean experience in a highly appreciated and contactless technology today. In addition, they can be linked to the guest loyalty program or gain access to certain facilities offering the client a feeling of elitism.

4. Bell Indicators

Bell indicators are also beneficial for the hotel staff and the hospital workers as this ensures convenience and yet control is achieved. In the hotels, they provide a way through which visitors can show that they’re there or can demand the attention of the attendant without dialling the operator. Bell indicators can also be installed in patient rooms to make alerts or to indicate some status to the nurses or other staff. This improves the response rates, gives privacy and allows ease of communication between the Staff and the Guest or patients.

5. Foot Lamp Lights In hospitals

Foot lamp light is very important especially when moving around at night. Located in patients’ rooms and Hospital alleys they give soft light and allow patients and visitors to navigate during the night without interrupting others. To hotels, foot lamp lights are friendly and warm. Through delicate glow hallways and guest rooms, they contribute both to the safety of the guest and comfort, as they lead the guest to the unfamiliar spaces within the hotel. These lights bring a certain class into any given environment.

6. Movement Sensors

Passive infrared detectors assist in the management of light and climate in premises and are an advantage for the economy. In hotels, these sensors inform the lighting and the HVAC systems whether guests are in a room or have checked out. Other areas may include patients’ rooms and the corridors in the hospital.

7. DND and MMR Switches

The on/off DND and Make My Room (MMR) switches give guests easy options for controlling their rooms so they do not have to call the front desk. The gadgets are handy in hotels, and guests can use these switches and other signalling devices to request privacy; and room cleaning. In the hospitals, similar switches are placed at each door and corridor to inform the members of the staff about the status of a particular room. If the room is occupied, whether a patient’s privacy is being preserved or not, or whether the room has been cleaned or not. This makes the communication easy between the staff and the patient.


We strive to create our products to combine both form and function and look forward to seeing them in any environment they are placed in while giving out their best performance. Our range is designed to meet and facilitate operational and customer satisfaction. Every single product we have in our Hotel and Hospital Range has been put through various tests to provide reliability, endurance, and functionality. Through using our solutions you are not only purchasing quality products but also contributing to the comfort and improved health of your guests and patient. 

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